Sacred Heart - Hayfield (NEW MASS HOURS)
Saturday, 5:00 PM (Summer hours: Jun. 1 to Sept. 30)
Saturday, 4:30 PM (Winter hours: Oct. 1 to May 31)
St. Columbanus - Blooming Prairie
Sunday, 8:30 AM
Holy Trinity - Litomysl
Sunday, 10:15 AM
Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Litomysl
Click link below
Welcome to St. Columbanus Catholic Church! If you are new to the area and would like to join our church please contact the office, 583-2784, to get registered. Or call the Rectory office at 583-2529 to speak to Father Becker.
St. Columbanus Registration Form - click here
Check out the new Facebook page for St. Columbanus!! In the search bar type @stcolumbanuscatholic. Like & Share our page with your friends!!
To inform the Diocese of Winona about an incident of sexual abuse of minors by priests, deacons, or other Church personnel and/or to speak to the Victim Assistance Coordinator, please call (507)454-2270, Ext.255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. All calls about incidents of sexual abuse will be returned in a timely manner. The Diocese of Winona is committed to protecting children, young people, and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes, and ministries.
2025 CMA Goals for St. Columbanus, Sacred Heart & Holy Trinity
The Catholic ministries Appeal(CMA) is a primary source of funding to help sustain and expand ministries in the parishes, Catholic schools, Newman Centers, Catholic Charities and programs, and departments of the diocesan church.
If you're a Catholic in the Diocese of Winona- Rochester, our Catholic Ministries Appeal benefits you!
Please consider donating! If you need any assistance please contact the church office, 583-2784.
If you are new to the Blooming Prairie Community or new to St. Columbanus & would like to sign up your child for Faith Formation (grades 1-11) or Sunday School (ages 3-K) please contact one of our Coordinators.
FF Coordinators: Diane Rumpza,;
Amy Chladek (Sunday School), (507) 438-1373